
The CSCP Co-authors the Policy Paper on Sustainable Consumption as Part of the #Think2030 30×30 Actions for a Sustainable Europe.

The policy paper, which is part of a series covering all major environmental challenges, not only shows that we need to change what we consume, but also how, how much and why!

Besides spelling out the challenges, the paper also maps out what changes in European policies could help citizens live prosperous, peaceful and healthy lives by 2050, while sustaining the 80% reduction in per capita resource use. To live sustainably within the planet’s carrying capacities in 2050, we need to reduce our material footprints by 80% (

Recommendations for reaching this goal include a green fiscal reform, to gradually shift tax burden from labour to the use of non-renewable energy and natural resources; establishing a centralised system for environmental product information to support industry and regional initiatives in the transition; steering investments and enabling safe consumer choices; exploring best practice and scalability of integrating behavioural insights into policies , as well as expanding circular and green procurement guidelines to more sectors/product groups with a gradual transformation of guidelines into mandatory requirements.

The urgency to tackle the sustainability of consumption and lifestyles was widely echoed during the Think2030 conference on 17 and 18 October, 2018 in Brussels, where the policy papers were discussed: “To reach sustainable consumption, we need to phase out all fossil fuels by 2030 and we need to invest heavily in a real circular economy.” – Linnéa Engström, Member of the European Parliament, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance, Sweden.

All policy papers, also covering topics like the circular economy, plastics, bioeconomy and many other environmental challenges, can be found here, and the summary 30×30 actions for a sustainable Europe, the #Think2030 Action Plan can be found here.

For further questions, please contact Rosa Strube.
