
BOOM Holiday Camps – “Every Job is Green”

Career Orientation Experience for Teenagers and Young Adults

“How will I live and work in 2030? What products and services will be needed in the future and how can they be designed in a more sustainable manner? Will there still be the same jobs in 2030? What skills will I need for the future?”

The CSCP will be exploring these questions among many others with teenagers and young adults in the BOOM holiday camps. “BOOM – Berufsorientierung und grüne Jobs mal anders” are camps where participants can explore future jobs in the fields of “daily consumption and product design”, “energy and mobility”, “building and housing” and “food and agriculture”.

A core goal of these 5-day holiday camps is to help participants discover their own strengths and motivations, needs and dreams, and promote their courage and self-confidence to face their own (professional) future with curiosity and enthusiasm. The BOOM camps will provide an insight into future social challenges and trends, while also enabling the participants to reflect on their own lifestyle. The participants will also get to try craft professions hands-on, like building clay pizza ovens, bamboo bikes and solar heating panels from recyclable materials.

Along the guiding principle “every job is green”, the young minds at the holiday camps will start to understand sustainability as a key aspect to every profession and as an opportunity for their own career paths. The participants will be divided into two groups based on their age – teenagers (14-17 years) and (18 – 25 years).

The participants will experience societal trends and challenges, such as digitalisation, changing consumption trends or new professions and reflect on how these trends affect their own lifestyles and envisioned future work. Using different creative workshop formats, such as design-thinking, personas and role play, the CSCP – together with the project partners Provadis GmbH and Sportjugend Hessen e.V. – will facilitate this journey into the future, where participants can explore sustainability aspects along the value chain and understand the interlinkages between sectors and professions.

This project will run for four years and is funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer protection, and by the European Social Fund.
