
Innovative Logistics Models: Closing The Loop During Our Workshop On The Circular Economy

To innovate better systems, we need better methods. Challenges like sustainable logistics systems and circular economic systems require creative, innovative and human-centred approaches.  We use design thinking to focus on human and planetary needs. We do so by going beyond mere understanding of function and by trying to empathise with deeper needs, then creating new solutions to meet these needs in better, more sustainable ways.

Through design thinking we developed new circular economy solutions, like through reverse logistics of e-waste and innovative packaging for food delivery at our workshop, 10 October 2017. Roughly 40 participants with diverse backgrounds joined the workshop in the Glaspavillon of Campus Essen. This was initiated by the “Innovation Platform on Logistics for Sustainable Lifestyles” of the ILoNa project.

First, participants gained insight into the supply chain of the logistics service provider Fliit, the Ökokiste Flotte Karotte and into a reverse logistics model for e-waste. During the “empathise phase” the participants got a better understanding of the needs and wishes of different customers through the personas approach. “Rebecca”, for example, represented consumers who buy a new mobile phone and a new laptop every two to three years. We framed relevant questions such as “How might we reduce the resources?”, “How might we integrate the consumer’s needs?” and “How might we simplify the process?” to define different dimensions of the problem. In the “ideate phase”, we developed solutions for the challenges and, in a next step, designed a concrete prototype.

“The Design Thinking Method helped us step outside the traditional boxes and inside the end users’ view with creativity, visual thinking and multidisciplinary groups,” a participant said.

The prototype for the food delivery proposes to reduce food product packaging to their minimum protective and transportation function and deliver the products with sustainable transportation. Participants were tasked with testing prototypes in real life with their actual customers.

The next innovation platform will take place at the beginning of 2018 with the topic “Communication strategies for sustainable logistics”. The participants will explore which various customer segment perspectives on sustainable logistics options. Stay tuned for more details or contact us.

Please contact Rosa Strube if you have any questions.


CC0 | Photo by Kelli Tungay on Unsplash
