
Wanted: Your Fresh Idea to Reduce Food Waste in Wholesale and Retail!

Do you have a promising idea that can contribute to the further reduction of food waste in retail and wholesale? You are a company, start-up or initiative and have recognised the potential in retail to reduce food waste as a direct “bridge to the consumer” as well as an interface to food production and want to take full advantage of the possibilities or are already testing new approaches?

Within the framework of the German Dialogue Forum for Reduction of Food Waste in Wholesale and Retail Industry (HandelsforumRLV), the CSCP is looking for ideas that can be realised together with wholesalers and retailers in the form of innovative, measurable and replicable demonstration projects.

Incoming ideas and initiatives are reviewed based on the following points: What results (e.g. food saved, number of people reached) can be expected? How does the activity work in the medium and long-term and what is its broader impact? How can it be used as a model by others and how innovative is it? What are the efforts needed for implementig the activity?

Please e-mail your suggestion to by end of February 2020.

Contributors of the most promising ideas will be contacted by the CSCP to further discuss its suitability as a possible demonstration project. Selected ideas will be given the opportunity to present themselves at the next meeting of the Dialogue Forum in April 2020 in Berlin and to discuss them with stakeholders.

We are looking forward to your fresh ideas for reducing food waste!

In order to reduce food waste along the entire food supply chain in cooperation with all relevant actors, the Federal Government has developed the National Strategy for Reducing Food Waste. The objectives of the Dialogue Forum for Reduction of Food Waste in Wholesale and Retail Industry – funded by the BMEL via the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) under the Federal Program for Ecological Farming and Other Forms of Sustainable Agriculture –  are to discuss concrete ways of reducing food waste in and together with the retail sector. In addition, we want to shed light on and start data collection processes and jointly develop and adopt a voluntary target agreement with concrete reduction targets.

For further informations please contact Nora Brüggemann.
