
Dialogue Forum: Towards More Food Waste Reduction Measures

More than 80 participants, including representatives from wholesale and retail, other economic sectors, science, civil society and politics, gathered in an online meeting in June 2020 to discuss food waste reduction measures and further coordinate their collaboration towards less food waste along the entire supply chain.

A measurable reduction of food waste – being among the key priorities of the Dialogue Forum – was the focus of the online meeting’s agenda.

In a lively and fruitful exchange, the following concrete approaches were discussed:

  • Longer shelf life of fruit and vegetables through ‘coating’
  • Availability of bread and baked goods
  • The offer of blemished fruit and vegetables
  • Avoidance and improved management of returns
  • Better redistribution and donation

The CSCP is facilitating the bilateral talks between interested parties and it will also support the follow up phase towards concretisation of all suggestions that derived out of the online meeting. The discussed reduction measures could be conducted as ‘demonstration projects’ in the framework of the Dialogue Forum either from companies individually on the premise of sharing experiences with others or by several companies in the form of sector initiatives.

Some of these measures derived out of promising, innovative and upscalable ideas to reduce food waste, which were gathered earlier in 2020. Watch the video pitches to find out more about these ideas!

The Dialogue Forum for Food Waste Reduction in Wholesale and Retail is carried out by the CSCP in collaboration with the Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut.

The project is supported by funds of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) based on a decision of the parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany via the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) under the Federal Program for Ecological Farming and Other Forms of Sustainable Agriculture.

For further information please contact Nora Brüggemann.
