
Where Are We Today in Adapting Behaviours for a Sustainable and Healthy Europe?

The state of the environment, our health, and levels of social equity are closely interrelated. The recently published INHERIT Baseline Report is the first of its kind looking at what can be done to encourage lifestyles that protect the environment and promote health equity by focusing on the way we live, move, and consume.

The role that individual behaviours play in moving to more sustainable societies has been under-emphasised and can be a compelling entry point for change. Many measures to protect the environment improve our health while simultaneously reducing inequalities, but work is needed to fully harness and develop the combined benefits.

These are some of the findings presented in the INHERIT Baseline Report, which investigates the links between behaviour, health, environmental and social resilience. The report explains how our “take, make, consume, & dispose of” models of economic growth generate pollutants and shape lifestyles that are characterised by overconsumption, a lack of physical activity, high levels of energy use, and a lack of contact with green space.  As a result, we face growing levels of chronic diseases like cardiovascular disorders, especially amongst poorer groups. Those who are less affluent cannot escape the consequences of their living standard, fuelling health inequalities.

There is room for optimism as there is an increasing realisation of the need for change. The relationship between individual and societal behaviour and public and private sectors is interconnected.  It can be influenced by policies and actions; people change behaviours when they have the motivation, capability, and opportunity to do so.

Brigit Staatsen, lead author from RIVM, the Netherlands Institute for Public Health and the Environment, said: “A number of policies and practices described in the INHERIT Baseline Report  e.g. increase the availability and use of green space in urban areas, promote cycling, and reduce levels of meat consumption aim to create such environments for change. The challenge is to strengthen and scale-up the most promising ‘triple-win’ initiatives – those that support the environment, good health, and equity at the same time”.

As part of the Horizon2020 funded INHERIT project, CSCP supported the production of the report with our expertise in lifestyles and behaviour as one of 18 organisations and experts from a range of disciplines including public health, environment, economics, technology, social sciences, psychology, and communications.

To view the Baseline Report, the accompanying Summary Report, and to find out more about INHERIT, visit
