
Workstudio Accra – Collaboration and Sustainability: A Multi-Sectoral Path for Growth

The Ghanaian “good life” in 2050 is a balance between employment conditions, proper use of natural resources and high quality governance, with communication and mobility seen as the areas with the least relevance. Through the visioning workshop, participants crafted scenarios and assessed the current reality and challenges ahead.

These are some insights of the visioning session of a Workstudio, the CSCP conducted in Accra, Ghana, in June 2013. It hosted 50 participants representing a range of stakeholder groups from academia, environmental protection agencies, and the business community, among others. Participants explored lifestyles, aspirations and practices in Ghana as well as the ways that innovation and entrepreneurship can support sustainable living solutions. Interactive working groups and collaborative methodologies enabled participants to engage in a rich dialogue discussing current trends, perceptions and aspirations. Through insightful keynote speeches, an interactive visioning session and facilitated discussion tables, participants questioned their individual preconceptions, shared their experiences and suggested innovative ways to support sustainable lifestyles from several different points of view.
