
Linear to Circular! European Research Project R2Pi Started

The idea of turning our resource-depleting linear economy into a circular one seems to be appealing to all actors and creates opportunities on all fronts: decoupling economic growth from resource consumption, reducing supply risks, buying great performance instead of disposable products, limiting toxics —just to name a few. So why has it failed so far to become mainstream?

“Turning circular” may sound logical and compelling in the face of the planet’s emerging resource crunch. It, however, involves a fundamental shift in a company’s way of designing, producing, distributing, taking-back, reusing, and sourcing. It not only affects products, services, and the whole business model but also consumers and supply chain partners.

At the end of November, a three-year European research project coordinated by the CSCP kicked-off to better understand market and policy failures that currently impede more circular business models or favour the persistence of a linear economy respectively. R2Pi (tRansition from linear 2 circular: Policy and Innovation) aims to highlight sustainable business models for a circular economy and to propose “Policy Packages” that will support the implementation and transition towards such business models.

Hosted by ESCP Europe in Berlin, 25 experts from 17 partner and advisory organisations met to officially start the project and discuss its ambition and work plan. “The spirit and commitment in the room were very promising”, says project coordinator Alexis Figeac. “We all want a circular economy to become a reality in Europe”, he continues. “To deliver important cornerstones for the circular transition, we have a striking mix of research experts, think tanks, business practitioners, associations, and public bodies that will help us maximise the scientific rigour and practical relevance”.

Contact Person

Alexis Figeac

+49 202 459 58 13
